

Download the ebook and find out the 5 essential questions for your company to succeed in implementing telepresence systems

Reducing costs and speed internal development. If these two points are part of your company’s priorities, then your business has a lot to gain from telepresence.

By using collaboration and video conferencing systems it is possible to simplify and optimize the company communication and management processes.

Still, there is a question: how to guarantee the best choice and maximum performance of the collaborative tools?

This is the central eBook theme: Telepresence: how to have high performance in your meeting at a distance? prepared by Erik Ramos, Nap IT Videoconference and Collaboration Specialist.

What you need to know about Telepresence

In this material, you will see which are the 5 essential questions for your company to succeed when applying systems for distance meetings, going through all the project phases. See, for example:

  • How to identify your company purpose and why it is important for your project?;
  • What technology type is most appropriate for each business;
  • What aspects and conditions your company needs to take into account;
  • How to install and configure your telepresence system the right way.

With these points, your company can plan, define and execute the best strategy for high-performance distance meetings!

Download our eBook Telepresence now: how to have high performance in your meeting at a distance? and check it out!


Telepresence High performance


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