Check out the article by Luis Lhullier, IT Office Chief at Nap IT, about the care companies need to have for the connection not to fall while the Brazilian team plays
Have you stopped to think that in the World Cup period, the number of accesses to the matches videos by streaming increases, generating a high internet consumption? And what can it impact your network business and jeopardize your business?
In an article published on the ComputerWorld portal, Nap IT – Network Solutions Technology Office Chief Luis Lhullier comments on the challenges companies face to ensure that increased user demand does not interfere with data network performance and access to corporate systems.
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The text also warns that companies should not take the last 2014 World Cup as a reference for Internet traffic, since many people had a chance to see the live matches. And something important stands out: the technological scene was different.
Since then, companies are migrating to the cloud environment and they need easy and secure access to the internet.
Another point is that the smartphone users number has almost doubled. Today, there are more than one smartphone per inhabitant, totalizing over 200 million active phones.
In order to meet this complex environment, the expert advice on corporate networks and IT solutions integration, which can configure and monitor the security network during the event, is among the solutions presented by Lhullier.
He also explains that the World Cup is just an example of a critical increase in the network usage. “For companies thinking of aligning business growth and digital security, a healthy, well-prepared network environment is essential to address any kind of situation,” says Lhullier.
Learn more about this subject by accessing the full article on the ComputerWorld portal. And remember: count on our help to overcome the challenges of your network with high performance and efficiency!