Telephony management system should generate savings of

R$1.7 million in 2015

In order to balance the expenses on calls to cell phones, Souza Cruz invested in a telephony management system for telesales. That’s because, more than 13,000 calls per day, 7,000 out of them are for mobile phones with higher rates.

The implementation began with the Nap IT Network Solutions hiring, which had the challenge of finding resources to reduce expenses, without impacting the average operation time and the calls quality. After analyzing it, it identified that the telesales operation had only one telephony provider and that fixed to mobile connections were generating a high cost. As a result, the company has integrated GSM Gateway into the active callcenter systems, an IP platform solution that converts fixed-to-mobile calls into mobile-to-mobile calls, identifying the destination operator to use the lowest tariff, 60% of the connections per minute.

Desde que o Gateway GSM foi integrado, em julho de 2014, o televendas já registrou economia de R$ 700 mil, até o final de 2014. A previsão é que a redução das tarifas leve a empresa a uma economia de R$ 1,7 milhões, em 2015. “Temos a obrigação de permanecermos atualizados para facilitar a tomada de decisão, principalmente no que tange a redução de despesas. Minha receita é bem simples: trabalhar com as empresas parceiras certas e estimular a inovação. Com isso, teremos benefícios anuais tangíveis”, finaliza Martin Gerosa, regional telecom manager da Souza Cruz.

According to Nap IT telephony consultant Luciele Ceconello, the solution ensured high processing capacity to support the high demand for contacts while maintaining the voice quality in the calls. “It is a project that has brought gains to Souza Cruz, which now operates by a robust technology, with the capacity to support 48 simultaneous calls, but because it is scalable, it guarantees new configurations according to the needs of the company”, she says.

Since the GSM Gateway was integrated in July 2014, the telesales already registered savings of R$ 700 thousand, until the 2014end. The reduction is expected to reduce the company tariffs to a savings of R$ 1.7 million in 2015. “We have an obligation to stay current to facilitate decision-making, especially in reducing expenses. My recipe is very simple: working with the right partner companies and stimulating innovation. With it, we will have tangible annual benefits”, concludes Martin Gerosa, Souza Cruz regional telecom manager.


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