Executive arrives the mission to expand operations in São Paulo and contribute to the R$50 million billing over the next three years

Carlos Monaco, Orange Sales former director, has already a new home: Nap IT, a Brazilian corporate network consulting and IT solutions integration company based in Porto Alegre, RS.

The executive will be based in the office in São Paulo and will act as Sales director. Among his functions, Monaco will also strengthen its relationship with customers and suppliers, expanding the partnership between the company and Cisco, thus contributing to the company’s revenue growth estimated at R$20 million by the end of 2016.

Monaco reports that its hiring by Nap IT meets its working objectives on new projects to employ its results-oriented experience, with autonomy and commitment.

Graduated in data processing from Mackenzie University, the executive has specialization in Business Management from Business School São Paulo. In his professional career, he brings 16-year-experience in the French company Orange, even taking over the sales and pre-sales management in Brazil and Argentina. He also worked for ten years at IBM Brazil.

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