
Know how technology evolution has helped to reduce costs and optimize time for corporate meetings

Who runs a full of branches and offices business knows how important it is to hold meetings to align their strategies and actions.

On the other hand, these meetings are, also, often to put in check, by generating travelling and travel expenses, directly impacting the company’s productivity.

It is in this scenario that the Technology application has everything to help in making corporate meetings more economical and agile, including those distance meetings.

For you to know how it is possible (and what can be done to help you), our Blog interviewed Erik Ramos, Nap IT Network Engineer with Collaboration Environments (CCIE Collaboration) certificate, who talked about how to use the solutions network in corporate communication. Check it out:

Nap IT Blog: How can network solutions help a company run its meetings?

Erik Ramos: The IT market is much more prepared to meet the demands of a large company. Among the opportunities, for example, is the possibility of installing high-performance Wireless Networks, Voice over IP telephony systems and various collaboration softwares.

But the main solution, in my opinion, is the Telepresence services (TP), which have evolved a lot in recent years and can be found in more accessible, flexible versions and low infrastructure demand.

In your opinion, how can these technology innovations help the business and businesspeople landscape filled with geographically distant meetings?

Nowadays, we have some technology options that cater to businesses that need to conduct distance meetings. For it, we can cite a practical example of what a room is with Telepresence solution.

This technology use allows executives to make faster decisions because it connects people from all over the world on the same call with high quality voice and image, ensuring participants’ interaction and engagement.

In addition, for those who use technology, there are gains such as reduced transportation costs and ease for executives, who do not need to spend hours on commutes to maintain close contact with other business units.

At which points can these solutions help to improve meeting productivity?

Many managers advocate face-to-face meetings because they feel that voice or e-mail call alignments are less interactive and efficient. In this case, Telepresence offers the visual and immersive contact, offering a digital option to connect people in different places, with the same dynamic as a face-to-face discussion. Thus, travel costs are reduced and the scenario is faster, more targeted and practical communication.

But why should a company choose to have a Telepresence (TP) structure instead of using a free tool, for example?

In a TelePresence room, the picture and sound are much clearer and richer in details. These solutions allow you to connect multiple participants in the same call without quality loss, such as voice or image failure or interruption.

Even in more relevant aspects, TP solutions offer far more features than a common videoconferencing application, with numerous possibilities for file sharing and especially more securely using data encryption, restricted access, and self-connection.

What is the difference between Videoconference and Telepresence?

Although both services have similar functions, Telepresence is a much more immersive and complete experience than Videoconference or Video Call.

By using a TP system, you have access to tools that maximize the participants’ experience with video, sounds and features that make the meeting more dynamic and interactive.

Is it necessary to make high investments to integrate a TP structure?

Recently, a small company (or self-employed person) would not be able to deploy a TP solution. But today, the reality is different. Depending on the company use type, it is perfectly possible and useful to have a Telepresence solution.

There are options for lots of consumption types. For instance, Cisco makes robust available solutions that do not require additional infrastructure. This alternative type reduces the acquisition cost and makes Telepresence more accessible even for residential use.

And how long does it take to deploy this technology?

Currently, the integration processes are simpler and it is no longer necessary to reshape the structure to have effective Telepresence performance.

The industry has already developed video data communication protocols that offer ways to compress data usage, which means that video meeting will not impact the company’s operations at all, keeping the office connection fast and stable even for those ones one who are not on the call.

For which user profile do you indicate TelePresence?

Telepresence is suitable for all-size companies, as well as reducing travel costs, improving communication and meeting performance.

We can also mention the profile of companies that aim to guarantee non-tangible benefits to their employees, such as life quality, in order to avoid the hours releasing at an airport to travel, exclusively to attend a meeting.

Have you seen how network solutions can optimize corporate meetings, lowering costs and making your operation more flexible? To know more about it, talk to our team and find out what it is necessary for your company to have better communication!

CTA 13 - Telepresença


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