Corporate Wireless: What you should know to not have more signal problems

By Klaus Engelmann

From the myth that the wireless implementation and technical problems are simple, many companies invest and can not reach the right solution

Wireless is the type of connection established in a computer network by radio frequency signals, based on the 802.11 protocol. Although this technology has a definition that seems simple, the corporate market needs to be aware of some questions about how to acquire and integrate it in order to get the best out of the solution and avoid problems.

Today, wireless is essential to business because of the ease of use it provides and mobility. Many companies believe it is such a simple solution that they even look for specialized services to deploy the wireless network, and still try to solve technical problems without the necessary knowledge.

As a result, the constant problems in the network appear, which are noticed with the lack of connection. Situations like these lead companies to make new investments that, once again, are not properly integrated.

All this scenario may not be new to anyone who reads this post, so we are addressing this issue to show that it is prudent to change this mindset and adopt the culture of having a planned infrastructure. What can be started with the evaluation of some points:

– The contracting company needs to know, for example, if how much it is investing in this wireless model will meet its needs in the short, medium or long term;

– How much you will gain in mobility;

– What the adoption ease level is;

– What the availabilities of implementing governance and security systems are.

In order to facilitate technology integration processes, let’s say companies can opt for three networking modes: Improvised Wireless, Wireless Planned, and Corporate Wireless. Find out which model meets to what your business needs:

Know the pros and cons of 3 network modes

Improvised or Mixed Wireless

When faced with the need to implement a Wi-Fi network in their environment, companies have come to the conclusion that simply installing an Access Point. But the basic equipment and improvised installation – as it is done in most homes – can even work at first, meeting an immediate need, but it lasts for a short time.

All it takes is a signal drop so the solution loses its performance. Faced with it, the company soon plans to acquire new equipment, since business can not wait. But it is not through the new Access Points or signal repeaters installation that it solves the problem. It is necessary to face reality and understand that cutting-edge technology requires more than investment in products. You do have to think about services.

Planned Wireless

As the need for wireless connectivity grows, companies are increasingly demanding network infrastructure and performance. By it, they realize that they need to use a company or a specialized technician services to structure a more robust network.

The wireless installed in a planned way has lots of different characteristics and that require special care, such as:

– Network deployment topology;

– Field study (also known as Site Survey);

– Antennas positioning;

– Channels and frequencies analysis

Corporate Wireless

The planned wireless offers advantages because it is robust and implemented with greater technical care, but at the same time it has limitations, as it does not offer some functionalities, such as bandwidth control (Wi-Fi network, application or user), traffic visibility and user tracking.

It is where Corporate Wireless comes on the scene, enhancing functionality to planned wireless. It provides companies with bolder capabilities, supporting them to create business opportunities and ensure process continuity.

Follow our blog and understand how your business can make the most of a well-planned and well-implemented wireless network.

* Klaus Engelmann is a Nap IT Network Engineer

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