[Video 2] Corporate Wireless: Do not improvise and be beyond the merely planned

Improvised Wireless, Planned or Corporate? Understand the advantages of working with a wireless network that delivers high performance and environmental safety

Do you know how the Wireless Networks implementation starts? Most of the time, businesses start with an impromptu network. But, this integration model becomes vulnerable to performance problems, generating constant signal drops and security failures.

Another deployment model is Planned Wireless, which requires more technique and specific care. However, over time, companies realize that it does not provide some essential resources, which ensure the processes continuity.

In fact, these features are found in Corporate Wireless. In addition to having a more careful technical implementation, Corporate Wireless uses an advanced equipment platform that offers features such as:

– Band utilization;

– Advanced level safety;

– Channels and frequencies automatic configuration;

– Visibility and tracking;

– among others.

Now that you are familiar with the wireless network types and you know the most effective deployment process, avoid improvising or planning. Watch the video and talk to Nap IT so our experts can show you the best way for your business to achieve maximum efficiency and performance over a wireless network.

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