Nap IT hires an engineer specialized in security and unified communications

Adalírio Bervian is the new Network Engineer in the GAS area, which will work in security and unified communications projects support for clients in Brazil and abroad

Nap IT announces the hirring of more one professional to its network specialists team. He is Adalirio Bervian, who is the new Network Engineer for the Global Advanced Services (GAS) area.

With more than 10-year professional experience, Bervian arrives with the mission of assisting in the continuous development work of security and collaboration services, acting directly with clients from Brazil and abroad.

Skills and tasks: generating value for Nap IT’s work

Adalírio Bervian is certified in Cisco’s leading professional-level platforms, and he is a specialist in Network Infrastructure, Security and UC Infrastructure solutions, with 3rd-level experience in troubleshooting incidents and failures.

At Nap IT, the professional comes to reinforce the team responsible for implementing collaboration technologies and information security, issues on the rise in the market, and to support Project Management, being responsible for the understanding, new projects execution and delivery related to the data protection and UC area.

In this scenario, Network Engineer will have as main challenge to apply his knowledge in Project Management in large-scale Unified Communications (UC), related to videoconferencing, VoIP telephony and data and voice network systems.

Another highlight will be to help the team work in solutions searching that reduce operating costs and help to improve each client productivity.

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