In an article published by the Pernambuco newspaper, Erik Ramos, Nap IT Network Engineer, talks about the Telepresence evolution

The technologies for distance communication are constantly evolving, seeking to serve the companies without impacting their meetings productivity. Among these technologies is Telepresence, which is now accessible to any size companies, giving to their employees an immersive and effective decision-making experience.

This issue was the subject of the Folha de Pernambuco newspaper, which published the article written by Nap IT’s Network Engineer, Erik Ramos.

The enginner is certified in collaboration environments by Cisco (CCIE Collaboration), the expert also highlights how Telepresence gives companies more security in document exchange, connection stability, among other benefits.

Do you want to know more about the subject and reflect if your company is in tune with the market innovations? Check the full article out on the newspaper’s website, page 10. Access the LINK HERE or see the full text below:

Telepresence ten years later!

By Erik Ramos

Think fast: what has changed in your life in the last 10 years? For Telepresence, it was enough time for a transformations series. The bottom line is that now you no longer get stuck in that old cliche that videoconferencing meetings are good (only) because they reduce travel costs. Telepresence goes way beyond that.

Since 2008, for example, many industry news has come to enhance the concept of a distance meeting, valuing the performance and experience of the meeting rooms by videoconferencing. Added to that, the link quality has also evolved – even if the connection is still far from ideal.

The two points above, together, have made videoconferencing rooms much more stable than they were in the past, when it was common for images and audio to crash in the middle of a meeting. Now, everything can be done in high definition.

And if any faults happen, you do not have to boot the modem wires or rebuild the infrastructure: sometimes only network configuration analysis can be enough to create a truly practical, immersive, and efficient experience for remote work.

The technology advancement has added new features to video conferencing, with content sharing, interactive collaboration and security management embedded in most solutions.

Furthermore, it’s always important to say that some equipment does not even need a large installed bandwidth internet, which lowers costs and improves the overall performance of a company’s operation.

The transformation undergone by Telepresence meets the very change in users’ behavior: more recent Google searches, for instance, show that 86% of Brazilians connected consume audiovisual content on the internet on a daily basis. Last year, 70% of all global data traffic was generated by videos.

This new scenario, where the large information flow on the network is changing, also affects businesses. First, increasingly, millennials will take their role within organizations, spreading the video information use. And they will need improved solutions to make that communication more assertive and efficient – and here Telepresence adds value, by essence.

Another issue is that businesses (and their users) will have to invest in information security – and Corporate Telepresence is one way. After all, unlike free solutions and video calling software, Telepresence equipment has specific tools, such as end-to-end encryption, that is essential for stealth and efficient communication within an industry.

In fact, here it is worth remembering that Telepresence is not a reality only for big companies. Small and medium-sized businesses can also use technology to expand their business.

A few years ago, the investment could vary between R$ 40.000,00 and R$ 300.000,00 (Brazilian currency: Reais), but the reality is very different now. With much more affordable values, you can find solutions that fit your business needs.

And if you still think this is a worthless investment, think about how much you spend annually with taxi, Uber, plane tickets, hotel accommodations, among other costs and compare to it.

Regardless about the savings, think ahead about it! If, over 10 years, technology has introduced so many innovations, who knows, in a very near period, we will still have the use of virtual reality glasses or the augmented one to make the meeting even more immersive.

What about your company? How is it evolving?

Erik Ramos is a Nap IT Network Engineer, Certified in Collaboration Environments (CCIE Collaboration).

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