
See how Gustavo Emerim helped a large industry to avoid losses after the connection link drop, which harmed every corporate communication system and approximately 500 employees

What would you do if your company’s network infrastructure stopped, with no return forecast? What if this interruption meant, in practice, the operation suspension, with services unavailability such as access to e-mail, telephony and Internet browsing for 500 employees? It was the situation experienced by a cigarette company that felt the IT importance in its production in practice – and solved its problems with the Nap IT experts team help.

The responsible for analyzing this case was the Network Engineer, Gustavo Emerim. “In meeting this demand, we find that this failure impact was greater than we could imagine. In addition to navigation, telephony services and external communication systems, were also harmed”, explains the professional.

Intangible Damage: What does a Network’s Failure mean for a Big Deal?

The link fall left the company without access to basic services, affecting production, which stopped moving inputs, products already marketed and, more than that, stopping new sales to be closed.

Before the crash, at the customer’s request, Nap IT team was already planning changes series to the firewall in one of its units. Two weeks before these implementations, however, the company’s connection suffered the complete interruption – and without any return prediction by the operator.

“Faced with the difficulties caused by the provider failure, however, we suggest the client anticipate part of the planned changes and activate the Internet links contingency at that very moment”, Emerim said, noting that changes in the firewall would bring numerous benefits such as contingency automatic corporate Internet browsing and high availability for some Telepresence rooms.

The expert remotely upgraded the reconfiguration and the networks routing, increased safety, and included various firewall access rules, allowing users to reconnect from the cloud system that was used by the client.

Quick and Practical: How Gustavo Emerim saved partner access and results

All these procedures were performed in approximately 40 minutes. It was the time required for Emerim to support the customer in order to reestablish its production productivity and efficiency.

Are you wondering how we can help to save your IT infrastructure? So follow our social networks and follow our Blog and see the benefits of having the Nap IT experience!

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