Tip: Check out the licensing and your network infrastructure guarantees!

Your network infrastructure is not always safe from slowness and failure. That is why licensing and warranties are so important. They can save your operation – and your pocket!

Imagine that your Wireless network was working perfectly, until a problem happened suddenly. What would your actions be to find out the solution to the problem? At the beginning, it will be very helpful to have consistent documentation of everything that has been done in your company’s network infrastructure and to know if licensing and warranties are current.

Network equipment licensing and assurance: you do not want to, but you may need…

You have certainly heard about how technology can help your company’s work. On the other hand, when some failure happens, the problem is right too, isn’t it? And the worst thing is that any technology environment is susceptible to errors and failures

However, in order to minimize the risks, there are some tips. As we say here on the Blog, the first step to good network performance is to create a Project that is always supported by a structured planning, in which the objectives and the necessary characteristics to meet their demands are established.

Another essential tip is to document and record all the actions (Change Management) carried out in your network environment. Tracking next will show more quickly where the root cause of the problem might be.

These two actions, however, will only be really practical if, during the process of choosing the equipment you are concerned about following the software and hardware licensing and guarantee rules of your network.

It is because all the elements that your structure needs, for example, periodic updates and adjustments. And neglecting these actions, in other words, can cause compatibility failures, manufacturer backing loss, unnecessary expenses etc.

How to minimize impact in network problems or failures cases?

The path begins, invariably, with the solutions suited choice to your technological environment and business. Another thing is the ongoing activities management. Also, focus on:

  • Following the deadlines and definitions imposed by manufacturers; Warranties and Licenses have expiration dates!
  • Ensuring that the equipment is always updated (which guarantees the best applications protection and performance);
  • Making sure that any changes are always documented;
  • Proposing a periodic maintenance and evaluation plan, with a possible infrastructure gaps faster diagnosis;
  • Performing continuous performance measurement – with active safety monitoring.

 Is it possible to make it easier?

Your technical staff does not need to stay 24 hours a day monitoring the network and leaving out the your company core business. An important way is to have consultants specialized support in the technology type used in the network.

This monitoring, done by an IT Consultancy, can make the IT improvements process faster, more practical and assertive – or to identify failures.

Do you want to test it? Just talk to one of our consultants and see how we can help you!

CTA 23 - Guia Prático Wireless


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