
Lucas Chies, has been accredited as Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft Cloud Solutions

Here in the Nap IT Blog we always dedicate a great space to show our team highlights. Imagine, then, when this recognition is international? It is the case of Lucas Chies’ achievement, Microsoft Solution Specialist, who has just been accredited as Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Microsoft Azure.

What is MVP certification?

Awarded annually to professionals around the world, the MVP stamp is given to experts who have directly impacted the Microsoft platforms understanding and use in their areas, supporting users and other professionals to maximize technology efficiency.

For Lucas, the accreditation is, however, a development and study arduous work result, with much applied research. “My main focus is on finding new ways to use the Azure system, reinforcing the cost versus benefit of adopting cloud solutions”, he says. In order to succeed in this journey, the specialist has participated in courses, lectures and events, seeking new information and opportunities to integrate the software in Cloud.

Knowledge and expertise: Lucas’ trajectory to MVP

Over the last two years, Lucas has been working to consolidate his learning and, at the same time, to disseminate his ideas to other professionals. “I have four official certifications and some time ago I created my own blog, where I review some key-points for the cloud implementation and success”, he says.

Specializing in tips and access options, Lucas’ Blog is a continuous contribution space, with tips, tools and procedures specific to the Azure platform. “No doubts, page creation was important in this achievement. In it, I share some practices and news that highlight the Microsoft Azure flexibilities and also show the reality and problems experienced by customers”, he adds.

How does it add to our customers?

In addition to theoretical knowledge, an MVP achievement reinforces the team’s commitment to prepare to meet each client demands. “Today, I’m working on getting to the trading area ways we can use the Cloud, and all Azure applications, to make our projects more efficient and tidy in all situations”, he says.

In short, this capability increases the chance for more cost-effective projects with appropriate solutions for new opportunities.

And you? How can your work help improve customer service? Stay tuned on the Nap IT Blog and share your story!

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