New experts Klaus Engelmann and Lucas Chies aim to serve large ICT projects for global companies

Nap IT has just created Global Advanced Services (GAS) as a new area to serve global companies through an IT services and Cloud Computing solutions complete line. In order to adapt its services to these large companies needs, such as the technologies and the projects implementation definitions, the new area will be composed of professionals with wide experience in serving the transnational corporations.

The new hired for the area are Klaus Engelmann, such as Network Engineer, and Lucas Chies, as Microsoft Solution Specialist, who come to serve enterprise information technology projects in the English and Spanish languages in the 24 × 7 regime.

Specialized services

Klaus Engelmann assumes as Nap IT Network Engineer and one of his main challenges is to integrate the knowledge and expertise in Lan and Wireless networks to the experience gained as Service Level Management (SLM) in corporate governance. The Global Advanced Services involvement includes the client’s business and it is not limited to solving technical infrastructure problems.

Engelmann has more than 10 years of experience in the Networks and Security area, with solid experience in Cisco network products. His differential for this position is his international background in corporate network infrastructure projects. He has worked in GetNet, Souza Cruz and the Regional Labor Court (TRT).

Lucas Chies is a Cloud Computing certified pofessional hired as Microsoft Solution Specialist. His goal is to develop the Global Advanced Services cloud computing area ​​, focusing on new global business.

With 10-year-experience in the Information Technology field, the specialist has vast knowledge in Microsoft products, especially in the ​​Cloud (Azure) area. In his professional career he has been through companies like HP and Dell.


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