Document Management: Nap IT segments e-Sales network to optimize data performance and security

In order to organize the data network, direct customers to the correct services line and reduce noise among departments, e-Sales, a company specialized in intra-company processes, has invested in segmentation of its network environment 

The project counted on the Nap IT specialization, corporate networks consulting and solutions integration, to define the best practices, configure the technologies, generate updated documentation, as well as, to follow the post-implantation by determined period.

By connecting each device to its specific network, segmentation allows different departments to talk to each other, but avoids crossing data that does not interest the other industry. In case of incidents or failures in one environment, the other areas are not impacted. Therefore, interference is reduced because equipment such as printers, firewalls, routers, switches, servers, and storage are connected to specific networks.

The first Nap IT challenge was to point out the most appropriate segmentation to achieve the network performance improvement. According to Rodrigo Alabarce, Nap IT CEO, the strategy was to segment a network for customers in the Data Center, according to the services line used. “Segmentation raises the security level, as each department only moves documents that compete in its area. With this division, it is easier to identify the problem on the network by focusing only on the environment in which an incident is occurring”, says Alabarce.

Strategies and solutions to achieve the goal

Due to Nap IT’s expertise in cross-platform network environments, legacy e-Sales solutions were implemented to the Dell Networking N4000 Switches and network configuration VLANs, applying methodologies that represent best IT practices.

The new configurations were applied to the e-Sales Data Center environment, as well as a servers network creation, Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) networks and connectivity networks. Five VLANs were integrated into two routers; a backbone network; and two more networks for different servers.

According to e-Sales Infrastructure Manager Rudimar Grass, the project featured the best practices and security configurations recommended by ISOs and network and Internet control standards. “These changes were vital to the proper functioning and environmental safety assurance of. The segmentation brought improved performance, directly impacting the e-Sales systems functioning and the customers’ network safety”, he concludes.


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