The Nap IT team now adds four CCIE certified experts, one of the world’s leading IT markets offered by Cisco

Being a Cisco Gold partner company requires some prerequisites. These include Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certified professionals. Despite being a very difficult certification to obtain, NAP IT currently has four such professionals: Luis Lhullier, who is GAS CTO at Nap IT, network engineer Erik Ramos, and newly hired Ederson Rodrigues and Ricardo Carvalho, both as Network Engineer.

This team serves the Global Advanced Services (GAS) area, through which Nap IT offers a complete line of technology and cloud computing solutions and services through qualified professionals serving transnational companies.

According to Nap IT CEO Rodrigo Alabarce, Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification has a failure rate of over 90% and an approximate cost of between $ 3,000 and $ 4,000, not to mention investment in US accommodations, travel, and immersions with Cisco. “That’s why some people in the IT industry call these professionals ‘whitefly’: they exist, but it’s extremely difficult to find one in any company. There are few CCIE-certified professionals in the world”, says Alabarce.

“Whitefly” word

The Nap IT Blog interviewed Ederson Rodrigues, who holds two Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert certifications and arrives as a Network Engineer. According to him, CCIE certificates have earned the market respect and admiration for being extremely challenging. The CCIE Routing and Switching and CCIE Service Provider certifications cover in detail the basic concepts and practices to the most advanced network.

“Achieving these certifications were two of my life biggest challenges. The arduous study years have expanded my knowledge and contributed to reaching prominent positions within the professional world. The certifications, together with my professional experience, guarantee my qualification in the area and generate trusting relationships with clients”, adds the newly hired Rodrigues.

The expert also highlights his professional career new phase. “Nap IT has a growth and success track record that has inspired me from the beginning. The company’s vision and goals meet my personal and professional expectations because the company has international operations and is always looking for new business opportunities, and the projects executed are challenging. I believe this is the ideal scenario for me to achieve maximum performance, adding the work of network engineering to the development of automated solutions.”

Ricardo Carvalho, also a new Nap IT Network Engineer who owns the CCIE, emphasizes that the certification actually marks the professional’s level of specialization and projects two positive characteristics for the market: the ability to plan and the emotional control.

“My expectations for this/my working phase are as positive as possible. At Nap IT I found a very high technical level and very cooperative team. The challenge is to contribute to market expansion through excellence in deliveries and prospecting opportunities”, says Carvalho.

Nap IT is the only state in Rio Grande do Sul having CCIE professionals, which gives it a higher reliability degree with the market. For the CEO, the hires move the company toward the Gold partnership level with Cisco, which allows you to expand business in volume, quantity and depth.


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