Illustrated Successful Case | “Silent Transition” gives Nap IT the Souza Cruz’s Northern Star Award

Download the material and learn how Nap IT has developed early delivery design and seamless transition to routine processes

The Souza Cruz’s Distribution Center relocation in Rio de Janeiro challenged experts for the timing and lack of basic infrastructure in the environment. This is because technology had to be deployed in a large space without essential elements such as electricity and connection link.

This was the scenario faced by Nap IT during the Distribution Center change and implementation process, which left the carioca capital for Duque de Caxias city, in Rio de Janeiro lowland.

The whole process was performed in just over two months, with assertive and functional migration. Defined as a “silent transition”, the project was executed without the technical demands disrupting the client’s CID routine.

That’s why Nap IT has earned the British-American Tobacco global recognition, Souza Cruz’s Brazilian holding company. The multinational has awarded Guilherme Garibotti, Nap IT Project Manager, executive who managed the migration project at Souza Cruz, with the Northern Star Award, promoted in the United Kingdom.

Eliminating problems

The project started with two challenges: facing a technologically hostile environment, lack of local structure, no electrical supply and no option for internet connection via cable; and only five months to complete the work. But everything was done in advance and without impacting the operations progress.


We have developed easy-to-read and readable material to let you know the work process for solving the technology challenge of a large company.

The material brings the following points:

  • Challenges;
  • Methodologies used;
  • Process strategies;
  • Technologies used;
  • Results;
  • What our customer says.

Do you want to know which strategies and also the results? So download the illustrated material we have prepared on this success story!


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