Faced with many challenges, Nap IT was responsible for developing a project for a new Souza Cruz Distribution Center. Early delivery yielded prizes abroad

Defining a network parameters and settings, even in the simplest analyzes, is a job that requires knowledge. Imagine, now, what is it like to accomplish the design, deployment and the entire IT infrastructure adjustment in a large space without basic elements, such as electricity and connection link? It was the scenario faced by Nap IT during the change and implementation process of the Souza Cruz Distribution Center in Rio de Janeiro, which left the capital of Rio de Janeiro to the city of Duque de Caxias, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Even with tight deadlines in the project’s challenges face, Nap IT successfully completed the integration and was recognized for the “silent transition“, where technical demands did not impact customer processes. This integration success was recognized by British-American Tobacco, and awarded a prize to the Nap IT team, represented by project leader Guilherme Garibotti. Know the case:

Deadline and structure: challenges beyond solution

With the mission of transferring the equipment and supporting the technological transition from the old distribution unit to the new space, the Nap IT project started with two critical points to be attacked: the first one was the technologically hostile environment, lacking local structure, without electric supply and no cable internet connection option; the second problem was to work with a tight deadline, which envisaged the services completion in the new CID in September 2016.

Started in May of the same year, the service had as a first step the search for the key items needed to put the project into practice. Then, with energy source guaranteed by generators and the radio links contracting, it was the time to carry out the space and needed characteristics assessment to meet the client’s demands, evaluating issues such as cabling, coverage area and gadgets positioning.

In efficiency searching: what has been done

Nap IT performed strategic planning, installation and the entire environment configuration, validating the used technologies. It also created dedicated processes and definitions to form a highly efficient and stable solution designed to support operations, as well as facilitating the data integration and change to the new address by placing the CID in connection with the company’s global sites.

Another highlight was the structure testing possibility, even before the datacenter real change. For two weeks, the new network worked parallel to the old CID features. The objective, with this action, was to have greater capacity to adjust the configurations and to extend the functions performance, in advance and without impacting the operations progress.

The results and recognition

This whole process was carried out in just over two months. Delivered in mid-July, integration ensured a more assertive and functional migration. Defined as a “silent transition“, the project was executed without technical demands hampering the client’s CID routine.

The result was so positive for the client that the stock was the British-American Tobacco global recognition target, a company that owns Souza Cruz in Brazil. The multinational awarded Guilherme Garibotti, Nap IT Program Manager, executive who managed the migration project in Souza Cruz, with the Northern Star Award, promoted in the United Kingdom.

The award highlighted the team’s intense efforts and collaboration during the project, allowing for an early change to the established schedule and without any technical problems. Among the employees who are part of the Nap IT team, Klaus Engelmann, Network Engineer, is responsible for creating the network logical part; and Sandro Santos, Account Manager, who carried out the Assessment and validated the entire network infrastructure.

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