The telecommunications area allows the company to save money. In order to do so, it is necessary to apply the Telecom Expense Management

In order for companies to remain competitive, they need to adjust their budgets by acting to reduce costs in some processes. The Telecom area, for example, is one that allows expenses reduction, focusing on resources, contracts, inventory and billing.

One way to moderate expenses in the company is Telecom Expense Management, a methodology that includes everything from the technologies evaluation, service packages and processes, to deals negotiations and policies usage practiced by the telecom market.

Management is indispensable for companies seeking efficiency and savings in their telecommunications, and can be done internally or by outsourced services from companies specializing in Telecom Expenses Management (TEM).

Manage internally or outsource?

Many companies think about how to decide whether or not this management should be outsourced, considering whether outsourcing will optimize the operation results.

In order to make a decision, you have to ask questions like:

  • Is there an telephony resources inventory in my company? Is it up to date?
  • Are the deals centralized? Is my company aware of these deals terms and the completion dates for each?
  • Are invoices organized? Are they audited monthly?
  • What my company areas are responsible for each resources payment?

The answers to these questions will establish a parameter from your company’s Telecom Expense Management current status. If most of the answers are negative, your company needs expert help.

When outsourcing is the best option

No caso de uma gestão interna, a empresa corre o risco de se perder em meio aos processos e continuar tendo gastos desnecessários, devido à falta de controle adequado e à falta de visibilidade das despesas. Além disso, seria necessário contratar profissionais especializados ou capacitá-los para executar tarefas como controlar o inventário, auditar as faturas, fazer a interface com as operadoras, gerir as contestações, controlar o fluxo do faturamento, negociar os contratos e gerar informações gerenciais recorrentes para facilitar a tomada de decisão pelos gestores de Telecom.

In the internal management case, the company runs the getting lost risk in the middle of the processes and continuing to have unnecessary expenses, due to the adequate control lack and the expenses visibility lack. In addition, it would be necessary to hire specialized professionals or enable them to perform tasks such as controlling inventory, auditing invoices, interfacing with operators, managing disputes, controlling billing flow, negotiating contracts, and generating recurring management information for facilitate decision making by Telecom managers.

Investing in these professionals to keep them abreast of new trends, technologies and regulations can generate a high cost for the company. Another risk is to lose this professional to the competition, taking all the knowledge gained.

What a specialized TEM consultancy can do

A consulting firm has a complete solutions portfolio and specialized professionals in telephony management. The experts make an advisory analysis of the customer’s consumption profile and also the dealing. The analysis allows to point out alternatives for the company resources economy, such as: a Request for Proposal (RFP) execution between the operators; suggestions for deals renegotiation.

The on-going joint action of telephony management – inventory control, billing control and monthly audit and challenge – with careful consultative analysis ensures that the customer not only enjoys the best contractual conditions and pays operators only what is due, but it also ensures that managers have the cost bottlenecks visibility with your company’s telephony. Therefore, they have the best solutions to circumvent them.

This service is governed by a deal with Service Level Agreement (SLAs) and with the guarantee of agile delivery of results. In this deal, resources are considered with the operator, such as:

Negotiation: Deals negotiation process (tariffs and service levels), with the expectation of generating 5% to 20%savings, in addition to better governance and service levels.

Recovery: Reimbursement of amounts unduly paid to operators. Action can guarantee a 5% to 20% return of the amount paid.

Profile studies: Definition and/or user profiles optimization. This analysis can help the company reduce complexity by 5% to 20% and standardize processes.

Deployment: The telephony operation implementation Management, with the support model definition, existing processes mapping and improvements.

Technical support for telephony end users: Attending to incidents, changes and problems. Solving technical problems with operators.

Applied consultancy to:

  • Opportunities and project management identification to reduce expenses;
  • Suppliers transition or transformation management;
  • Technological update projects;
  • Operational process optimization projects.

Quer alcançar eficiência e economia dos recursos Telecom?

Do you want to achieve Telecom resources efficiency and economy?

Ask the questions you need to know which way your business should follow to get the best results in Telecom Expense Management.

Luciele Ceconello – Project Manager –

CTA 28 - Videoconferência



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