
[eBook] Site Survey: What your wireless network needs to be more efficient

Download our material and discover how Site Survey has helped IT teams to develop even better Wireless networks

With the mobility advancement, businesses can no longer afford to live without an efficient wireless network. For large companies, then, it is a vital demand, which can represent the difference between an operation profit and loss.

Thinking about this task, we created this eBook about one of the elementary services for those who want to avoid problems, since the creation of its network: the Site Survey.

Do you already know the Site Survey?

Quickly, Site Survey is the technology environment in-depth analysis, which aims to identify the network infrastructure characteristics to be installed.

In addition, the technique is also indicated to understand what is hindering an existing wireless connection correct functioning.

That is, you can use Site Survey both to identify risk situations for your Wireless and to take advantage of the diagnostic to increase wireless signal efficiency.

So, download now and check it out:

  • What is Site Survey?
  • When and why your business needs environment analysis
  • What are the advantages of applying the Site Survey to your Company?
  • And a great example of how network analysis has saved IT from a big Retailer!

Your business will no longer take the creating or renewing Wi-Fi risk, right? Download our eBook Site Survey now: what your wireless network needs to be more efficient

CTA 17 - Site Survey





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