Hiring services is not enough: your company can have better results when looking for tailored and customized solutions to the operation needs

In the technology world, offering IT support and customization has helped many companies achieve better results. An example of such a scenario is the work on Cloud Computing, which is booming, delivering a host of new features and functions every day. The problem is at this point: after all, not all tools are interesting to your business. Right?

In this scenario face, expert support helps your team find out what the job options are and how those features can be more assertive and functional within the routine.

Total Integration: Connecting the Cloud to your IT Infrastructure

In order to explain what Consulting and Customization can deliver to your business, imagine that a company needs to expand the data-processing network. Instead of buying new equipment, the company may already choose to transfer charges to a Cloud-hosted server. But that is not enough: because your routine requires that all information is always available.

In this case, Consulting’s work with the internal customer team is to diagnose what is missing or wrong on the network and to define the best way to implement the Cloud. The consultancy also works to set up these two environments (its Infrastructure and the Cloud), making the information management and traffic process more intelligent and practical.

Customization is a bit more comprehensive. In addition to the configuration, it works around the needed changes for its operation to have maximum return. A custom tool optimizes how the Cloud solution will be presented and integrated to your business.

In other words, custom solutions make it easy to fit what you want, what the platform offers (Azure, for example) and what your company already has as a legacy.

Have you seen how having the partnership of a qualified team and how it can be a differential for your business? Check out more tips here, on the Nap IT Blog!


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