The Network Assessment diagnosis showed the need for improvements in its technology. And now? Run with the internal IT team or hire expert advice?

Whenever your company expands the technologies availability – whether for Internet access, video conferencing systems, IP telephony, or data transitions between servers – the network infrastructure becomes more complex. Controling this infrastructure and have visibility in the expansion projects, the Network Assessment is an ally for both the internal IT area and a outsourced consultancy, if contracted.

In addition to describing the installed equipment, warranty periods, exchange needs, risk analysis, among other issues, the Assessment helps in resizing the network infrastructure to support growth. It provides a diagnostic that points out improvements in the environment to increase the performance of technologies, the network capacity and availability.

For cases where the improvements mentioned by the diagnosis are performed, your company needs to assess whether it is best to work with in-house professionals or outsource to a specialized consulting firm.

Network maintenance: outsource or delegate to IT staff

If your company is still evaluating how to act in relation to the network maintenance – if you delegate the function to the IT team or outsource – to find the most advantageous route, it is worth reflecting on your business focus, the tasks already assigned to the team, the value of their professionals (time/person), the size of the problem or the project to be implemented, and the difficulty degree to execute.

After evaluating these points, you should compare to the value of the consulting hour. This account sometimes favors consulting, especially when it was the one who carried out the Assessment in its network environment, because it adds to the fact that the consultancy offers specialized service and know-how to act on the problem of form very assertive.

Within a specialist consultancy services, from planning to equipment optimization, Network Assessment should provide maximum reliability, security, availability and scalability for your technologies. This includes a detailed report with network configuration and equipment (logic and physics) as well as existing practices and policies, recommending an action plan aligned to your business needs.

Rodrigo Alabarce

Read also:

Network Assessment: What is it and what is it for?

CTA 12 - Consultoria de alta performance em ingles


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