
IP News: Site Survey and Wireless Efficiency

Site Survey and wireless network efficiency

* By Rodrigo Alabarce

In today’s corporate infrastructures, wireless networks bring mobility and add dynamism to the environment. However, if it is misconfigured, it ends up impacting administrative and operational processes, even affecting the organization core. In order to implement a wireless network in any type and company size is indicated the Site Survey execution, a methodology that identifies the data transmission capacity that the network must support and the specific signal quality for the operations perfect operation.

By the Site Survey application, fault diagnosis is given by interferences analysis and signal obstructions, equipment characteristics, services used and network configurations, which may be sub or oversized. In addition, we take into account the services that will be available and the users density, among other issues that seem to detail, but that make a lot of difference for a wireless network, such as the ideal antennas choice and the equipment perfect positioning.

In security issues, failure to implement more robust authentication systems based on digital certificates, and the lack of a guest network entirely remote from the corporate network, can bring vulnerability and threats to the network. Even because, today, the personal devices use in the corporate environment (BYOD) is often done instinctively, without rules and without specific procedures and authentication.

The wireless network well-applied methodology offers perfect scaling based on the company needs, avoiding rework, unscheduled investments, scalability loss and mainly deficiencies in signal coverage. This significant failures reduction has made the Site Survey application a definite factor for an efficient wireless network. It is because it extends the coverage quality, ensures effective security and better wireless network speed in conjunction with the wired network.

When deploying a wireless network, it is worth remembering that the configurations are part of a strategic and structured work, aimed at the good results.

* Rodrigo Alabarce is Services Director for Nap IT.

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