
Successful Case: Souza Cruz in the Southern Cone with the Network Operation Center (NOC)

NOC - Network Operation Center

Check out the results that the Network Operation Center (NOC) generated for Souza Cruz, which now integrates the same solutions in Southern Cone countries. Identifying major communication system failures and make adjustments before new problems occur. It was with these goals that Souza Cruz once again counted on services at Nap IT, now with the […]

Case de sucesso: Souza Cruz no Cone Sul com o Network Operation Center (NOC)

NOC - Network Operation Center

Confira os resultados que o Network Operation Center (NOC) gerou para a Souza Cruz, que agora integra as mesmas soluções nos países do Cone Sul Com o Network Operation Center (NOC) é possível identificar as principais falhas nos sistemas de comunicação ou mesmo realizar ajustes antes que novos problemas aconteçam. Foi com o objetivo de […]