Find out why investing in the Consolidated Practices adoption, Backup and Control will help your IT network become more secure. Check out, also, how Cloud facilitates this process!1

How to make your business grow, and being more efficient, without leaving aside all security requirements? Whether you are a company manager, or have worked to improve a large corporation technological environment, it is an issue that is surely on your radar. So, know that you can balance high performance and protection, in a simpler way.

In order to show how this relationship can be less complicated than it sounds, Nap IT’s Blog listed 3 action-focused tips and services that your business must observe for maximum productivity without compromising the data and applications integrity. Check them out:

1) Know the best practices and define the recommendations:

One of the great secrets to optimize data protection is to choose the methodologies and practices most appropriate to your company’s routine. With the mobile demands growth, for example, it is essential to establish specific protection forms that address your mobility requirements (or any other key point of your operation) in a way that is aligned with the company’s goals.

The software adoption and the correct equipment configuration are among the main items of attention. Remember that to help your company choose the best software options, it is advisable to have the specialized professionals support.

2) Backup and Invest in Disaster Recovery solutions:

Unforeseen happen. Thus, it is worth looking at ways to mitigate risk and avoid losses. Two important protection forms are the continuous backup systems adoption, with information segmentation, and the recovery tools application in case of problems.

3) Expand the way you view the behavior of your network:

Applications and accesses are important indicators for its technological management. Knowing what happens to them, therefore, will help you anticipate or perceive failures in a timely and correct manner. It is important, because every second of failure represents damage to your company! So, invest in optimization, with tools and support to help your company stay focused on your production!

4) How can the Cloud help creating a safe, high performance environment?

For a long time, Cloud Computing and Digital Security were subjects dealt in a quite distance. But today’s reality is different: applications like Microsoft’s Azure come with features host and tools that can make your company’s work easier and ensure maximum visibility and control to improve your protection.

In addition, with Cloud Computing your management does not have to worry about the infrastructure to store backup data or create redundancy bases. In cloud servers, these are almost always available – and with the saving money and time difference to get everything up and running (and according to how much you need it).

Increasingly innovative, these systems can work in combination to your current network, generating more control and productivity, including separating what is confidential, or otherwise facilitating the way your employees access common data.

Ready to learn more about Cloud Potential for your IT network? Stay connected here on the Nap IT Blog or talk to one of our consultants!

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