OverBR: In order to increase the projects and services quality and safety level, expanding its business to new segments and regions, Nap IT, a Brazilian company specialized in Corporate Network Consulting and IT Solution Integration, hires Aluisio Andrade as Operations and Services director.

The executive responsibilities are distributed in defined lines, such as Network Consulting and Tuning Services, in which the mission is to guarantee quality and commitments with deadlines, as well as to develop professionals with the skills to deliver the ideal solutions for the customers’ needs.

In Operations, you must extend service offerings more advisory and flexible, providing managed environments and services efficient management, as well as offering new delivery models and service level agreements, both to IT requirements and to business areas demands.

Among its tasks is also to develop a governance system, implementing a policies set, processes, roles and responsibilities definition, results oriented, streamlining and empowering the decision-making processes, management and IT resources use.

According to the Nap IT CEO, Rodrigo Alabarce, the expectation is that the professional materialize the company vision and strategic goals in manageable services. “We are part of a growth scenario that has a direct impact on our teams and our working way, so having the professional experience like Aluisio Andrade is a differential. Its contribution will enable Nap IT to continue implementing its growth and governance plan, focusing on efforts to expand and consolidate new services and products lines”, says Alabarce.

Telecom Engineer, with more than 25-year-experience in national and international IT companies, Aluisio Andrade brings extensive experience in Infrastructure, Systems Development, Cost Reduction Plan, Supplier Management, Projects and Leadership. In addition to his experience in global project management services and outsourcing.

For Aluisio Andrade, his focus will be to reinforce the commitment and courage that has marked the Nap IT trajectory. “I’m excited about the opportunity to be part of this team. We do not want to ignore uncertainties or crises, but we will invite companies and clients to think about an inevitable future, where decisions must be made in real time, based on indicators, controls, rules, profiles, processes, knowledge, transparency and governance from you. Strands where Nap IT is able to support its customers”.

About Nap IT

Nap IT is a leading company in Professional Services and Technology, with proven track record in developing and delivering high performance solutions, enabling its customers to get the most from their enterprise IT infrastructure. Specialized in the voice, data and video engineering, networking, IT operations, network monitoring and services, information security, project management and network tuning segments; builds and delivers IT technology solutions that make the difference.

Nap IT relies on Cisco’s core certifications and recognition, as well as trained and certified professionals, with the world’s largest IT solutions and technology manufacturers. They also complete its portfolio, an extensive accredited network partners, with sufficient capillarity to serve the entire national territory.

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