Nap IT and Red Hat close partnership for open source Solutions in Brazil
Companies will offer specialized services on open platforms that allow the customization and development of functions based on each project demands. With the goal of offering an options range in the open source solution line, Nap IT has just been announced as Red Hat‘s Business Partner in Brazil, a global leader in the development and […]
José Mauro da Silva reinforces Nap IT performance in the Southeast region
As Business Director, José Mauro aims to expand to other segments and manage new team in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The Nap IT new reinforcement, José Mauro da Silva arrives with the developing business and strengthening relationships with current customers function, manufacturers and distributors. He is a Multirede founder and former president of […]
Successful Case: Souza Cruz in the Southern Cone with the Network Operation Center (NOC)
Check out the results that the Network Operation Center (NOC) generated for Souza Cruz, which now integrates the same solutions in Southern Cone countries. Identifying major communication system failures and make adjustments before new problems occur. It was with these goals that Souza Cruz once again counted on services at Nap IT, now with the […]
RTI Magazine: Nap IT migrates data centers to Azure platform
After an interview with Lucas Chies, RTI Magazine publishes NAP IT’s success story. Thus, the article talks about the Bemol data center sector migration, a retailer network located in Manaus, to the Azure platform In a six-month-project, the NAP IT team migrated the entire SAP environment from Bemol company. This way, 28 virtual machines were […]
Nap IT announces expansion with three overseas branches
The United States, Portugal and Chile were the countries strategically chosen by Nap IT to serve customers throughout the Americas and the European Union with even more excellence In order to be closer to customers who already work abroad and opening new markets, Nap IT has expanded its operations with the opening of new offices […]
Cisco Live Magazine: Wärtsilä reduces online meeting costs by 20%
Telepresence Solutions allows the Finnish company to make its communication possible between its 70 units spread around the world Increasing the agility in decision making and contribute to productivity gains, especially in your meetings at a distance. It was the Wärtsilä goal, when it opted for the telepresence adoption to improve its executives communication. The […]