Having certified commercial teams is the first step for all care to be able and assertive

When it comes to preventing or solving a technology problem, overcoming the “commercial without technical knowledge” barrier is the first step for technology managers and CIOs.

When it comes to large operations, hiring technology services is the essential point that the supplier commercial service needs be agile, assertive and very capable.

Understand more about the Cisco Certified Business Team differentials, Suelen Ramiro leads a certified and specialized professionals team explaining more about the differential today, as well as how NAP IT deals with this issue with its employees, customers and the market.

Cisco certification for those who sell technology and for those who hire

For Suelen, Cisco certifications complement the experience in the IT industry. Helping in an assertive work in the contact with new clients and in the projects execution.

“NAP IT has always encouraged and offered its employees the certifications, because the updated professionals are more prepared in offering solutions that support the customers’ growth in a sustainable way. In addition, we honor our Premier Cisco partnership by having a 100% certified team”, says Suelen.

For the commercial team, Suelen said, Cisco Business Architecture Analyst certifications are the most important. Because they are focused on developing professionals concerned with turning the client’s Trust Advisor into technology. And not just selling a solution.

A Trust Advisor understands the pressure that clients face to expand their organizations and achieve financial goals because they have the unique ability to see the big picture. On a daily basis, this professional finds answers and develops

strategies to help their clients succeed. The role is to do whatever it takes to help the business thrive with the support of technology.

Why is Cisco Certification important to your vendor?

Cisco Certification is an important facilitator, especially with digital transformation in organizations, and it brings a skills set to the professional, so that (s)he acts as a consultant and can engage and lead customers through their journey.

Professionals who count on Cisco Certification in the commercial area have the potential to impact their organization. They are able to:

  • Immerse themselves in their culture – from messaging to products and solutions in order to provide good advice and guidance. Trusted consultants seek to understand your company from the beginning;
  • Provide solutions – the focus is on the solution and not only in the product sale. These professionals are proactive and provide innovative solutions;
  • Meeting deadlines and combined – Trust Advisor helps his/her organization achieving goals set through strategic advice.

“That’s why the entire Nap IT business team, as well as the technical team, has the Cisco Certifications – which enables our professionals to become true Trust Advisors, able to customize technologies that optimize and deliver networks at the highest levels of performance”, says Suelen.

A Cisco certified team is not concerned with getting you to just “sign the contract,” not caring about the results, but really understanding your problem and delivering workable solutions.

And you, did you already know the Cisco Certification benefits in the commercial area when choosing your partners? Did you like our post? Follow our blog and stay tuned for more tips! See you!

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