
Nap IT hires wireless network specialist for the GAS área

Specialist in the wireless networks analysis and management, Carlos Eduardo Borggreve arrives with the mission of consolidating the Site Survey methodology for clients in Brazil and abroad Wireless networks are undoubtedly an increasingly important topic for business success. On the other hand, the opposite is also true: it has never been so challenging to manage […]

[eBook] Practical guide for your business to have an efficient wireless network

Find out what your company needs to have an efficient wireless network Nowadays, a large company that does not have an efficient wireless network is losing money. On the other hand, achieving high Wi-Fi performance is not always that easy: few companies know what it takes to plan and set up a wireless connection. With […]

Tip: Check out the licensing and your network infrastructure guarantees!

Your network infrastructure is not always safe from slowness and failure. That is why licensing and warranties are so important. They can save your operation – and your pocket! Imagine that your Wireless network was working perfectly, until a problem happened suddenly. What would your actions be to find out the solution to the problem? […]

Do you want to have an efficient Wi-Fi? Start with Wireless Network Planning

See what to take into consideration to create well-structured wireless network planning According to a recent survey by Adobe, 45% of global Internet traffic in 2018 will come only from smartphones. And sure enough, it has already reached your company – after all, how many employees are on your team now connected to the internet […]

What is Network Analysis and how it will improve your Wireless

Find out why diagnosing your network environment can help your business achieve high-performance connections Think about it: Does your company’s Wi-Fi drop from time to time? Or it is stable, but the problem is the connection that could be faster? If you said yes to any of these questions, maybe what is missing is a […]

3 Problems that may harm your Corporate Wireless

See how Planning Errors, Equipment Excess, and Lack of Configuration can lead to problems with Corporate Wireless Is your network sometimes slow or hang? It is a sign that something more serious may be about to happen, you know. So it’s time to analyze the environment and identify the issues that can harm your corporate […]