NOC Advantages: the 3 main active network monitoring functions

Find out what your business gains from active network monitoring offered by an efficient NOC system Is your technology team often tasked with developing a new project while monitoring the network infrastructure to avoid failures and connection problems? If so, evaluate whether you can plan and monitor well at the same time. Certainly, for the […]

Faster Internet: Network Tuning renews Corporate Wireless

See how Luis Lhullier transformed Corporate Wireless from an office in New York using only Network Tuning settings and settings Have you ever thought about going to the cafeteria next to your office to use Wi-Fi and work? More than unpleasant, it would be a complete loss to your company operation, right? That was exactly […]

Network tuning and 60% economy every month: Klaus Engelmann’s case

See how Klaus Engelmann, Nap IT Network Engineer, has been able to reduce a customer’s monthly cost by more than 60% using only Network Tuning Have you ever thought about how it would be good to reduce your internet cost by more than 60% every month and still improve the speed and security of the […]

ComputerWorld: I migrated my data center to the cloud. And now, am I sure?

Lucas Chies, Nap IT Cloud Computing Engineer, explains how appropriate configurations can ensure the security of the migration from a data center to the cloud Cloud services are increasingly being used by businesses. This is a fact. But how can you make sure your data is completely secure, for example, when a company decides to […]

Network Maintenance and Monitoring: How to do this?

See how your company can implement a practical and efficient Network Maintenance and Monitoring plan Not many people remember, but an essential point to maintain the company high performance is to pay attention to the network infrastructure regular maintenance. After all, if you do not want to be caught off guard by Internet failures, security, […]

How Jeferson Nascimento adjusted a global company videoconference

Mapping a beverage company equipment and data centers, infrastructure specialist Jeferson Nascimento was able to integrate the technologies, improving the videoconferencing performance in the company. Problem has persisted for 10 years Anyone who has a telepresence room knows that any connection problem generates big impacts in the routine – always full of meetings. Now, imagine […]